Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture / Tui Na Massge / Cupping Therapy / Guasha / Chinese Herbal Medicine / Nutrition / Meditation
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM; simplified Chinese: 中医; traditional Chinese: 中醫 is a style of traditional Asian medicine informed by modern medicine but built on a foundation of more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice that includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (tui na), exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy. It is primarily used as a complementary alternative medicine approach.
One of the basic tenets of TCM "holds that the body's vital energy (chi or qi) circulates through channels, called meridians, that have branches connected to bodily organs and functions." These are pathways of electricity which flows through the entire body. TCM diagnosis aims to trace symptoms to patterns of an underlying disharmony, by measuring the pulse, inspecting the tongue, skin, and eyes, and looking at the eating and sleeping habits of the person as well as many other things.
Chinese Medicine Health Preservation achieves the purposes of conserving heath, preventing diseases, enhancing health, and proloning life span by means of various healthcare measures such as healing the body, enhancing the mind, regulating the diet, exercises and conditioning, moderating sexual activity, and adapting oneself to cold and heat throughout the annual seasons.
The practice of health preservation is called Yang-Shen, which translates to the english phrase; "striving for health".
Accelerate Your Recovery
Traditional Chinese Medicine can be applied to stimulate the body's natural abilily to heal and regenerate itself.
ACL and Meniscus Tears
Rotator Cuff Tear
Tendon and Ligament: Pre/Post Operation
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Joint Arthroscopy
Back and Neck Surgery
Traumatic Injury Care