Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Diplomate of Acupuncture
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Applied Kinesiologist
Tony is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. He holds degrees from the Pacific College of Health and Science, a graduate degree and bachelor of science from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine, and his Alma Mater is the University of Wisconsin. He specializes in acupuncture therapy, injury rehabilitation, sports medicine, and body restoration techniques. He finished his 3 year residency at the college’s community clinic where he learned modern applications of this ancient art.
Tony is was a coach and linebacker for the Wisconsin Badger football team. He began his career as a strength and conditioning coach with the Badger strength staff in 2011 where he learned rehabilitative techniques and protocols for a wide variety of traumatic injuries from sport. As a high school and collegiate athlete, he acquired a deep interest in using human performance training and integrated medicine to maximize one's potential. He quickly adopted his own philosophies for health, trauma rehabilitation and wellness.
Tony is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
and has gained much of his knowledge and experience
through working with collegiate and professional athletes who now come to him for treatments to help accelerate recovery and prolong their athletic careers.
Tony has successfully found a balanced approach to
treating an array of ailments such as musculoskeletal
disorders, headaches, concussion, pain, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, and internal medicine. He is highly committed to bringing advanced therapeutic techniques to his patients by empowering the body natural healing ability to promote sustained wellness.